Saturday, June 01, 2024

Bigfork man arrested on child pornography charges

| July 15, 2006 1:00 AM

The Daily Inter Lake

Lake County Sheriff's Officers arrested Jerry Brobst of Bigfork on child pornography charges Tuesday.

Brobst, 61, is human resources director for Flathead Electric Cooperative in Kalispell and serves on the state Board of Personnel Appeals.

The charge against him has not yet been filed in District Court in Lake County, so there is little information about what led to Brobst's arrest.

The charge of sexual abuse of children on which he was arrested accuses he "printed or possessed visual or printed media in which children are engaged in sexual conduct, actual or simulated."

According to the Lake County Attorney's Office, Brobst was arrested at his job on Tuesday.

He was released from jail Wednesday after posting a $1,000 cash bond.

Depending on the details of the case, including the ages of the children allegedly depicted, Brobst could face up to 10 years or up to 100 years in prison.

Brobst has worked for Flathead Electric Cooperative for 20 years and has been active in local civic activities.

FEC spokeswoman Stephanie Wallace said Brobst has taken personal leave from his job, according to the Associated Press

Flathead County authorities were not involved in the case.