Saturday, June 01, 2024

United Way seeks review by residents of Flathead

| February 15, 2006 1:00 AM

The Daily Inter Lake

The United Way invites local residents to participate in the Citizen Review process to determine how to allocate money to meet the needs of the community.

Citizen Review brings together people from all backgrounds to share with the United Way their views, opinions and experiences with community services and the changing needs of the Flathead Valley.

There are still spots available on the committees.

United Way is looking for a total of 200 residents (25 for each panel) who will help determine how its dollars will be distributed in 2007. The panels will be held from March 9 to 14. A one-hour pre-panel orientation will be provided for new participants.

Participants will learn more about the agencies and services the United Way supports, ways to get involved and resources available in the community. They will also see firsthand the effect that United Way member agencies have on individuals and families.

The time commitment comprises attending a one-day (four hours) panel, and the one-hour orientation, which will be held on a different day. Participants will be asked to complete a communitywide survey.

Participants may list preferences for times and dates, and the subject area of the agencies reviewed. Topics are early childhood resources, promoting self-sufficiency, meeting basic needs, building healthy communities, youth intervention services, senior and adult resources, youth development services and youth prevention services.

Corporate leaders, businesspeople, professionals and the community at large are welcome to participate in making critical decisions for 2007 and ultimately setting the goal for the fall 2006 United Way campaign.

Registration forms are available at the United Way office in Gateway West Mall. Call 752-7266. The registration deadline is Friday, Feb. 17.