Saturday, June 01, 2024

Flathead County Sheriff's Office

| December 30, 2006 1:00 AM

Flathead County Sheriff's Office reports confirm the idea that no good deed goes unpunished. A woman said she picked up a hitchhiker on Big Mountain and later discovered she is missing her wallet. A man who gave a ride to someone who ran out of gas near Kalispell was rewarded by having his checkbook stolen.

A couple separated after a disturbance in Hungry Horse, but the problem re-ignited and the woman was arrested for partner assault.

Marion Ambulance helped with a family stranded up Truman Creek Thursday. A man walked for about three hours to get help for a woman and child left in their disabled car. The crew gave the family a ride to Kila.

A moose met its match against a motorist in the North Fork. A game warden was called for permission to dispatch the animal after it was injured.

A witness was suspicious about two men who got out of a car and crouched in the snow near White Oak Mini Mart at about midnight.

A man didn't want his ex-wife at the house on Scenic Ridge Road. An officer gave her a ride at about 4:30 a.m. Another report of domestic unrest came from the same area later.

A man who was found slumped over his steering wheel on U.S. 93 was arrested for DUI.

A number of fire departments were notified of a fire on Ranch Lane. It turned out be a chimney fire.

Road hazards included logs dropped from a truck on U.S. 2 and foot stool in the northbound lane of U.S. 93.

On Whitefish Stage Road, money is missing from a safe and checks were stolen and forged.

A woman on Trumbull Meadows Lane said her sister assaulted her.

A woman who has been getting magazine subscriptions she didn't order is now dealing with someone accessing her bank account for payment.

A man called to say that his truck was stolen and he has heard it was run into several buildings on Thursday. He didn't report the theft earlier because it is "a piece of crap" that was given to him, he said.

Emergency services were called when it seemed a child was struck by a vehicle near Kmart Friday. Investigators found the boy had thrown himself down on the ground and it only looked as if he had wrecked his bike.

Someone keeps knocking on a unit at the El Rancho Motel in the middle of the night.

Rescuers went to Blacktail ski area for a 17-year-old who crashed and to Big Mountain, where two young skiers collided.