Saturday, June 01, 2024

Cheney visit here confirmed

| August 5, 2006 1:00 AM

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON - It's confirmed: Vice President Dick Cheney is headed to Whitefish this month to raise money for Republican Sen. Conrad Burns.

Cheney spokeswoman Jennifer Mayfield has confirmed the Aug. 16 event, saying the vice president is "pleased to support" Burns in his re-election effort.

Burns supporters willing to pay $250 can attend lunch with Cheney at the Lodge at Whitefish Lake. For $2,100, they can attend a reception before the lunch and get a photo opportunity with the vice president.

Those who pay $5,000 can attend the reception, get a photo with Cheney and go fly fishing with Burns.

"Senator Burns has been an invaluable member of the U.S. Senate and the vice president is committed to maintaining a Republican majority in both the Senate and the House," Mayfield said.

In March, President Bush raised money for Burns, who is locked in a tight race with Democrat Jon Tester. Bush said at the fundraiser that he was proud to stand by Burns.

Attendees at that event paid the Burns campaign at least $1,000 a couple for cocktails, light snacks and the chance to mingle with the president and the senator at a downtown hotel.

Burns spokesman Jason Klindt said Friday that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., also will raise money for Burns this month. Frist is scheduled to be in Billings Aug. 28.

In a separate event, Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert is scheduled to attend an Aug. 23 fundraiser in Whitefish for U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg, R-Mont.

Hastert will have a "big family barbecue" at 6 p.m. at The Lodge at Whitefish Lake, according to Dustin Frost, Rehberg's campaign manager.