Saturday, June 01, 2024

Flathead County Sheriff

| May 16, 2005 1:00 AM

A woman reported to Flathead County Sheriff's Office Saturday that someone had shot up her deck on Wednesday night.

A loose mule was seen on Farm to Market Road between Clark and Church Saturday afternoon. Officers left a message on the answering machine of the man they thought owned the mule, but the man turned not to own any mules at all.

Unsure whether it was supposed to be a practical joke or not, someone reported a forklift half on and half off Demersville Road. Turns out the machine was just resting between lifts.

Officers responded to a report late Saturday night that a young boy collapsed after being punched in the throat earlier in the evening at Raceway Park. ALERT, Kalispell fire department and West Valley fire department also responded to the call.

Two juveniles home alone Saturday night reported a person throwing rocks at their trailer and possibly walking on the roof. The suspect was gone by the time officers arrived.

On Black Spring Prairie Road someone put up a No Parking sign, even though he doesn't own any property there.

A second report on the loose mule came in at 1:10 a.m. Officers contacted yet another possible owner, but that lead fizzled, too. A message has been left for a third hopeful.