Saturday, June 01, 2024

Republicans elect new leadership for Flathead

| May 15, 2005 1:00 AM

The Daily Inter Lake

Flathead County Republicans elected a new slate of officers at a convention Thursday night.

With more than 100 people attending, Flathead County had one of the highest turnouts in county conventions across Montana.

"There are a lot of really positive, dedicated people in the Flathead who care about conservative Montana values," said Senate Minority Leader Bob Keenan of Bigfork, who was elected chairman at the meeting.

"We're eager to turn all of that energy and dedication into action in the coming election season."

Nine other officers were elected, including Paula Robinson, vice chairman; Harry Lattin, finance director; Norm DeForrest, secretary; Ronni Skees, treasurer; Ron Hoye, state committeeman; Anita Hoye, state committeewoman; Ray Thompson, congressional committeeman; and Ladeine Thompson, congressional committeewoman.

Keenan said the new leadership will work with dozens of precinct committee members around the county to build a strong, grass-roots support for Republican candidates in the 2006 elections.

The Flathead County Central Committee will be focused on the key re-elections of Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Mont., and Rep. Denny Rehberg, R-Mont., as well as building a strong push to regain majorities in the state Legislature.

"We have a great slate of officers and committed precinct people from all ends of the Republican political spectrum, and we're going to work hard and work together to see that Republicans make gains on a state level and that Senator Burns and Congressman Rehberg are sent back to Washington," Keenan said.

"I really look forward to working with all Flathead Republicans to make sure that goal becomes a reality."