Saturday, June 01, 2024

Board delays decision on gravel pits

| May 13, 2005 1:00 AM

The Daily Inter Lake

A zoning text amendment that would help clarify where new gravel pits could be located was tabled for another week by the Flathead County Planning Board on Wednesday.

If approved as presented, the amendment would designate the SAG-5 and SAG-10 suburban agricultural zones as residential districts, meaning gravel pits could either be prohibited from operating there or have conditions imposed on them.

The planning board, which initially held a public hearing on this item in February, unanimously agreed not to recommend approval of the amendment as presented. It then voted 5-3 to table the issue until May 18.

Several members said they wanted to see where the existing SAG-5 and SAG-10 zones were located before making a blanket change.

The amendment also contains language that would define any zoning district as residential - specifically for the purposes of regulating gravel pits - if it allows single-family, resort, multi-unit homes or "similar residential uses" as a permitted use.

Other items addressed on Wednesday include:

. A growth policy amendment to change the land-use designation from agricultural to rural residential for 8.8 acres at the northwest corner of the intersection of Hanging Rock Drive and Holt Drive near Bigfork.

This amendment would facilitate rezoning the property as RC-1, a residential cluster zone that allows a gross density of one home per acre.

The board unanimously recommended approval.

. The preliminary plat of the amended plat of Lot 2 in the Evergreen Rail Industrial Center, which would create one additional industrial lot on a 1.6-acre parcel at 106 Cooperative Way.

This was unanimously recommended for approval.

. The preliminary plat for the resubdivision of Lot 5 in the Shilo subdivision, creating one single-family lot on one acre located at 973 Rose Crossing.

The board voted 7-1 to recommend denial of this proposal because the property was tied up in a lease and the leaseholder wasn't asking for the change.

. The preliminary plat for Subdivision 261, a four-lot single-family project on four acres located off Montford Road south of Holt Stage.

The board split its vote on this item, meaning it goes to the county commissioners without a recommendation.