Saturday, June 01, 2024

Flathead County Sheriff

| July 27, 2005 1:00 AM

Apparently a Columbia Falls dog has one-upped Lassie's mere barks for help. Flathead County Sheriff's Office dispatchers got a call from a dog on Gosney Crossroads, but the pooch hung up before telling them what its emergency was. Dispatchers confirmed with the dog's owner that nothing was wrong at the residence, the dog must have been playing with the phone.

Deputies found a "very small" 16-year-old baby sitter on Conrad Drive to be a capable guardian for the children she was watching. A concerned neighbor mistook her for a young child and thought an adult needed to be watching the (actual) children.

There was a whole lot of shaking going on in Dillon where an earthquake hit Monday night, and numerous Flathead Valley residents called the sheriff's office to say they felt it here.

Deputies went to a call about a man trespassing at Lucky Lil's. A man at the Conrad Complex ball fields reported being assaulted. The Kalispell Fire Department tended to him and reports say he was assaulted by "three mysterious persons."

A Plentywood Drive resident reported a burglary of cancer medication. A man on Dogwood Avenue reportedly shot a dog with a pellet gun.

An Amtrak passenger's disorderly conduct earned the person removal from the train. A subject took off running when an officer was investigating a traffic incident on Montana 35.

Someone on Conrad Point Road reported Internet fraud.