Saturday, June 01, 2024

Grizzliesrule trail; hikers arecharged

| July 2, 2005 1:00 AM

The Daily Inter Lake

Glacier National Park's Highline Trail was closed the same day it was opened Thursday after two hikers had an encounter with two grizzly bears.

A Student Conservation Association volunteer was hiking with another visitor when they were bluff-charged by a sow grizzly with a cub on Thursday afternoon, just hours after the Highline Trail was opened for the summer.

The bear reportedly charged within 15 feet of the hikers, said Melissa Wilson, Glacier's public affairs officer.

Wilson did not have details on how two hikers evaded the bears, but they managed to reach Granite Park Chalet, where they reported the incident to a park ranger who was involved with the effort to clear the trail for opening.

A patrol was launched back down the trail, and the same bears were encountered again, prompting a closure of the Highline from Logan Pass to the chalet on Thursday afternoon.

Wilson said the trail eventually will be reopened once additional patrols determine that the bears are no longer in the area.