Saturday, June 01, 2024

Clues sought in man's death

by CHERY SABOL The Daily Inter Lake
| April 20, 2005 1:00 AM

The Flathead County Sheriff's Office hopes someone here knew Todd William Schwartz, 41, of Lebanon, Tenn.

Schwartz has been tentatively identified as the man whose remains were found Sunday on Bear Creek Road east of Bigfork. There is no evidence of his cause of death.

"We're trying to find his family," said Sheriff Jim Dupont.

He believes Schwartz took a bus to Montana from Tennessee or Florida, planning to hike in Montana and make his way to Canada, possibly to visit his mother.

Schwartz probably arrived here in September, Dupont said. He suspects Schwartz died not long after that.

A skull found Sunday was near a sleeping bag and a wallet with Schwartz's driver's license inside. There was camping gear, including a tent, clothing, a stove, and other items. The absence of cans, foil, or food stuffs at the camp site indicate to Dupont that Schwartz hadn't been there long.

No one has reported Schwartz missing and officials have scant information about him.

He was last working in Florida as some kind of laborer, Dupont said. He has no criminal history, no listing with a credit bureau, little that can lead detectives to Schwartz's family.

A doctor who performed a hernia operation on Schwartz shortly before his trek to Montana has retired and can't be found, Dupont said. Officials found a phone number for Schwartz's brother but that has been disconnected, he said.

Dupont said he hopes that someone might recognize Schwartz's picture and remember encountering him in the Flathead, camping or at a grocery store or bar.

"The more we can learn about his movements, the more we can track him," Dupont said.

Bones have been sent to the state crime lab for help in identification.

Dupont said he hopes to track down Schwartz's family and let them know of his death. He has respect for the man's life, even if his death goes unsolved.

"It's a shame to have been missing that long with nobody reporting him missing," Dupont said.

Reporter Chery Sabol may be reached at 758-4441 or by e-mail at